The graduate prosthodontics curriculum consists of four areas: academics, clinical, research and teaching.
The didactic curriculum is composed of comprehensive study and experience in the following areas:
Basic sciences
Diagnostic sciences
Prosthodontic literature review
Treatment Planning
Removable prosthodontics
Fixed prosthodontics
Maxillofacial prosthodontics
Digital dentistry
Mock board examinations
The clinical curriculum is composed of comprehensive study and experience in the following areas:
Treatment Planning
Removable prosthodontics
Fixed prosthodontics
Maxillofacial prosthodontics
Digital dentistry
The research curriculum includes the comprehensive study of research methodology including preparation, initiation and completion of research to fulfill a Master of Science in Dentistry requirement. Research projects and submitted for presentation and publication.
The teaching requirement of the program includes preparation of lectures, seminars and presentation to advanced education and undergraduate students. During the course of the 36-month program, residents teach in the undergraduate clinics and participate in preclinical and clinical courses.